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Pound Street, Newbury

Our Initial Layout Plan

We are proposing to demolish all of the existing buildings on the site to provide approximately 100 new homes.


The following is our initial layout plan for the proposed development, which has been worked up following discussions with planning officers at West Berkshire Council:


The key features of this initial layout plan are as follows:


Approximately 94 apartments, provided across four apartment buildings


Six houses for families, provided in one terraced block in the eastern part of the site


Traditional front-door access to the houses & ground floor apartments from Pound Street and Rockingham Road, animating this side of the street


Affordable housing provision of up to 30 homes


Vehicle access to the site from a new junction on Pound Street opposite the Co-op building


83 car parking spaces provided to the rear of the site (including some undercroft parking)


Gated pedestrian link from Rockingham Road to the undercroft / rear parking (no vehicle access from Rockingham Road)


Landscaped courtyard areas to the rear for the apartments


Private gardens to the rear for each of the six houses


Significant improvement to the street scene along Pound Street and Rockingham Road, including new hedgerow planting & small front gardens


Biodiversity net gain through landscaping and creation of new habitats, including new tree planting along the northern boundary and green roofs on three of the proposed apartment buildings


Renewable energy generation through PV panels and air source heat pumps


Bicycle parking provision and EV charging points


Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Melisa Geshteja of SP Broadway on
07732 531 570 or at melisa@spbroadway.com