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Pound Street, Newbury

Building Design & Street Scene

Our proposed designs are intended to make a positive impact on the street scene of Pound Street and Rockingham Road.

The proposed architecture provides traditional building forms, designed to fit with the existing character of Pound Street and continue the palette of material and colour hues (primarily through use of red brick). Meanwhile, the detailing of the buildings is intended to be more contemporary in design, to provide appropriate and subtle visual differences to the more historic end of the street.

Building heights have been carefully considered through site analysis and discussions with planning officers at West Berkshire Council, with the proposed buildings varying in height between 2.5 storeys (two storeys plus dormer windows at roof level), 3.5 storeys (three storeys plus dormer windows at roof level) and 4 storeys.

The images below show the proposed elevations of the new buildings along Pound Street and Rockingham Road:


Below: Pound Street elevation (eastern part of site)


Below: Pound Street elevation (western part of site)


Below: Rockingham Road elevation


  • The 2.5-storey houses proposed at the eastern end of the site echo the more historic mansard roof designs seen at this end of Pound Street, and this form / design is also applied to the frontage of one of the proposed apartment buildings.
  • Two 4-storey apartment buildings are proposed towards the centre of the site, designed so that the top floor is set back from the building edge and therefore visually reduced in scale, so that these buildings are mostly seen as 3-storey buildings when viewed from the street.
  • The 3.5-storey apartment building proposed at the western end of the site provides for an elegant curving build-line on the corner of Pound Street and Rockingham Road, designed to respect the scale, massing and prominence of the school building opposite and its corner spire. The curve of the building would allow for views of the spire when travelling west along Pound Street.


We have also produced the following computer-generated images, to give a sense of how the development would appear in the street scene amongst the existing buildings:


Below: Proposed view along Pound Street, facing west


Below: Proposed view of the Pound Street / Rockingham Road corner, facing east


Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Melisa Geshteja of SP Broadway on
07732 531 570 or at melisa@spbroadway.com